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What can sports organisations do to improve diversity at leadership level?
Rhys Weightman

Research and studies continue to prove that diverse leadership teams deliver significant value to organisations across all sectors. 

Data from the 2019 McKinsey report, Diversity Wins: Why Inclusion Matters, revealed that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams were 25% more likely to have above-average profits. When it came to ethnic and cultural diversity, the report found the top-quartile for diversity outperformed those in the fourth by 36% in profitability.

When it comes to sports, the advantages of diverse leaders stretch even further. Not only can diversity help to deliver the highest standards of good governance and drive effective and inclusive decision-making, but with inspiration and aspiration at the heart of sport, it can go a long way in attracting more young people to enter the profession and reach the top.

Despite the many benefits that diverse leadership teams can bring to sports organisations and the communities they serve, change has been slow. A 2019 Diversity in Sport Governance report found that while women accounted for 40% of board members across Sport England and UK funded bodies, just 5.2% identified themselves as ethnically diverse, and only 5% considered themselves to have a disability, compared to around 13% and 22% of the wider UK population, respectively.

For many, the appetite to become more diverse is there, but the knowledge of how to do it is lacking. Becoming a truly diverse organisation involves strategic planning, changing policies and an ongoing commitment from everyone within the organisation. Here are some of the steps that can be taken to start the journey towards true diversity and inclusion at senior level.

Set Targets 

Whether you seek out industry targets or set your own, setting clear objectives of what you want to achieve and when is an effective way to measure progress and hold yourself accountable. Such goals can be even more effective if you’re happy to share and report on them publicly. 

In October 2020, the FA launched its Leadership Diversity Code, which aims to tackle inequality across senior leadership positions, broader team operations and coaching roles. More than 40 clubs signed up to the code, which outlines that when it comes to senior leadership and team operation roles: 

  • 15% of new hires will be Black, Asian or of Mixed-Heritage (or a target set by the club based on local demographics)
  • 30% of new hires will be female. 

Review Training & Development 

For organisations with a diverse mix of employees but none in top positions, it’s worth looking at what training & development or mentoring opportunities you provide. In an era of industry-wide talent shortages, more and more employers are turning their attention to developing existing employees and carving out clear pathways that enable them to progress through an organisation.

Look at the journey of a diverse employee. How long do they stay with your business? At what point do they exit? This will help you to identify areas of focus for training and development. 

Equipping members of your team with the knowledge and tools they need to move upwards will help you build an internal pipeline of diverse talent that’s ready to fill available senior positions. 

Analyse your language

It can be challenging to remain objective when looking at how you communicate with candidates and the benefits you offer. Ask someone unconnected to your organisation, like a talent acquisition partner, to provide feedback on how you can appeal to more diverse candidates. It’s a simple equation: The more neutral the language, the more people you will appeal to. 

For example, you may be inadvertently using male-centric language. The Gender Decoder is a free online tool inspired by the 2011 research paper, Evidence That Gendered Wording in Job Advertisements Exists and Sustains Gender Inequality. It provides a quick way to check whether a job advert has the kind of subtle linguistic gender-coding that can discourage female applicants. 

Taking it a step further, level= utilises the latest AI to remove any and all language bias in job adverts and careers websites.

Review screening and assessment methods

Candidate selection needs to be as fair as possible. This means less ‘gut feel’ recruitment and more scientific measurement of a candidate’s skills, capabilities, knowledge and traits. There are a number of ways this can be achieved. Psychometric testing is perhaps the most well-known way to test for skills, knowledge and personality.

As well as blind resume screening and shortlisting, level= prioritises data-driven testing and profiling solutions that identify skills and cultural fit. We also support sports organisations through designing bespoke competency-based interviews that remove implicit bias and test against workplace scenarios. 

Grow your talent network

To consistently meet your diversity targets, you need to ensure access to a readily available pool of diverse leaders. There are several ways that sports organisations can do this, from hosting your own leadership events to partnering with a talent acquisition specialist who can tap into diverse talent on your behalf. 

At level=, it’s our mission to help every sports organisation, regardless of size or scope, bring diversity and inclusion to their leadership and broader teams. Whether you’re building greater equity within your organisation or looking to take the next step in your career in sport, our team is committed to working with you to offer the skills, services and access to a globally diverse and level field of possibility. 

Connect with us on 020 8392 9959 or email

By Rhys Weightman December 5, 2023
Bullying is something no-one should have to deal with. While we often associate bullying with childhood, the reality is that bullies can follow people throughout the entire lives, impacting the performance, and culture of workplaces. While conflicts in the workplace are natural, there’s a difference between misunderstandings and clashes among teams, and consistent abuse. Although it’s important for employees to stand up for themselves, and seek assistance when dealing with bullies, HR managers and business leaders also play a role. Direct line managers, supervisors, and executives also need to implement strategies to ensure they’re creating a supportive, respectful company culture. Here’s everything you need to know about overcoming bullying in the sporting space. Defining Workplace Bullying: Identifying the Signs To overcome bullying in the sports, leisure and recreation workspace, business leaders and their employees first need to recognise the signs. Bullying can appear in a range of forms, from name calling, to the deliberate isolation of specific employees by other individuals or groups. However, the Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) gives the concept a clear definition. It says bullying is any repeated, harmful mistreatment of one or more people by one or more perpetrators. Workplace bullying can happen both offline and online, particularly in today’s world of hybrid and remote work. It can also include: · Name calling or abusive language · Ignoring, isolating, or excluding members of staff · Belittling or making fun of an employee · Scapegoating or blaming other employees for issues · Manipulation or coercion · Spreading rumours about an employee · Aggressive or violent behavior Even business leaders can be perpetrators of bullying, when they set their employees up to fail, disregard them, or overwhelm them with menial tasks. Workplace bullying is extremely common, with 30% of Americans saying they experience this issue in their profession. Unfortunately, the side effects can be disastrous for both businesses and individuals alike. Consistent bullying can cause stress, ill health, and burnout for employees. It also harms team productivity, and increases a company’s chance of talent turnover, leading to significant skill gaps and problems with long-term performance. Handling Workplace Bullying: Global Factors Workplace bullying in the sport industry is an issue that arises all over the world. While the negative impact it has on businesses and employees is consistent wherever you are, the solutions companies and team members can use to deal with bullying vary depending on location. For instance, the UK and Australian governments have both implemented anti-bullying legislation , such as the Equality Act in the UK, and the Fair Work Act in Australia. In these regions, organizations/organisations are encouraged to implement comprehensive anti-bullying policies, outlining unacceptable behaviours, reporting procedures, and consequences for perpetrators. Employees are also encouraged to deliver training and awareness programs, to educate employees about the effects of workplace bullying and how to recognize it. In the US, workplace bullying is addressed through various channels, including legal recourse. While there are no specific federal laws against bullying, many US companies still adopt anti-bullying policies to create a safe and inclusive workspace. Additionally, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission shares guidelines team leaders can use to address workplace harassment and bullying. Effective Strategies for Handling Workplace Bullying Though there are different regulations and legal solutions in place for workplace bullying depending on where you are in the world, business leaders can still experiment with a range of universally effective strategies for mitigation, no matter their location. Some of the best ways to combat workplace bullying include: 1. Establish and Share Clear Policies First, it’s important to develop and communicate clear anti-bullying policies for the entire workforce. These policies should outline examples of unacceptable behaviours, as well as the potential consequences for perpetrators. Ensure team members understand which reporting mechanisms are in place to ensure they can seek out assistance if they feel harassed by another team member. All employees should have access to accessible, confidential reporting mechanisms, to help them seek out help without fear. 2. Promote a Respectful, Inclusive Culture Today’s most innovative companies are already investing in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives, designed to create equality and respect between team members. This is important at a time when 76% of job seekers and employees believe DEI initiatives are crucial. Promoting a culture of respect and inclusion in the workplace helps to minimise the risk of bullying. Team members should be encouraged to embrace the diverse characteristics of their work mates, and reminded that harassing behavior will not be tolerated. Leaders should set examples, by consistently treating team members with dignity. 3. Invest in Training and Education Investing in educational programs in the workspace isn’t just crucial to give employees access to new technical skills or improve workplace engagement. It can also be a valuable way to promote bonds between team members, and hone soft skills. Consider investing in educational resources that focus on teaching valuable communication, collaboration, and cooperation skills. Provide team members with educational resources to help them understand the effects of bullying, and what they can do to recognise, address, and even prevent the issue. 4. Respond to Reports Correctly Simply ensuring employees in the workplace can report instances of bullying isn’t enough. Companies also need to be willing to act rapidly when an employee is facing harassment. All reports issued by team members should be investigated thoroughly, promptly, and impartially. The consequences for perpetrators should be significant, but also consistent and fair, based on the nature of the situation. Additionally, business leaders in the sport industry should ensure support is available to victims following the event. This could include offering counselling, mediation, or coaching sessions. 5. Stay Vigilant Unfortunately, even as business leaders continue to invest in initiatives to make their companies more welcoming and supportive to employees, bullying is still an issue. In today’s world of hybrid and remote work, it can be even harder to spot problems, particularly when harassment happens online, or through video meetings. To stay on top of the problem, managers and business leaders need to be vigilant about monitoring the workplace environment. Pay attention to the behaviours of employees, investigate instances of severe stress and burnout, and constantly promote team bonding. Workplace bullying is unfortunately a global, persistent issue, that requires attention from both employees, and business leaders. Addressing instances of bullying effectively isn’t just the key to creating a more attractive company culture. It’s also important to ensuring employees can feel engaged and productive at work, and helps to reduce the risk of talent turnover. The right initiatives can even help to make your business more appealing to industry talent.
By Rhys Weightman November 21, 2023
Level= takes great pride in our recognition for outstanding work in the sports industry at the esteemed Football Business Awards held in London in May. We were honoured to receive the Silver Award in the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion category. This award is a testament to our commitment to putting diversity at the core of our mission and engagement. We were in excellent company, with notable nominees including Brighton & Hove Albion FC, Aston Villa FC, Chelsea FC, Liverpool FC, and Watford FC. Our purpose is clear: to empower every sports organisation with inclusive recruitment practices designed to eliminate bias and ensure fairness in hiring decisions. We've collaborated on numerous projects with Brentford FC and The Premier League, aligning with their dedication to equality, diversity, and inclusion through our consciously inclusive approach to hiring. By proactively reaching out to diverse communities and employing a debiased process, Level= has increased the representation of underrepresented groups within these organisations. Jon Varney, CEO of Brentford FC, underscores the benefits of our anonymisation process: "We piloted an anonymous recruitment process for several executive roles within the Club. This approach has allowed numerous candidates from underrepresented groups to advance to the final stages and secure full-time contracts with us." Amy Field, The Premier League Policy Department Operations Manager, recognises the limitations of traditional recruitment methods like CV and cover letters: "It's evident that, among the multitude of applications we typically receive, we might have overlooked some candidates based solely on their work history." At Level=, we persistently challenge the conventional approach to bring about positive change in sports recruitment. Our commitment to creating a level playing field for all candidates has resulted in attracting a more diverse pool of talent, all while significantly reducing the recruitment time for dedicated hiring teams. Click here to see the organisations we have worked with
By Rhys Weightman November 7, 2023
We all feel a little overwhelmed at times. Life, work, relationships, and countless other factors can make even the most organised person feel as though they’re drowning in their to-do list.
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